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Meetup Theme Documentation

Website/Landing Pages

Meetup Theme Documentation / Website/Landing Pages

Create Website/Landing Pages

Creating a landing page or a webpage is a very simple process in a Hubspot theme.


In the navigation bar of your Hubspot account, select Marketing > Website > Website Pages.

For landing pages, you can select  Marketing > Landing Pages.


For creating a webpage or a landing page, the following steps are the same.

In the upper right corner, you will find a Create dropdown. Click on it to open the menu and select Website Page/Landing Page.

A Create a page popup opens up where you can select the name of your website and enter the page name.

Click on the Create Page button to proceed.


In this step, you can choose the template you want to select for your webpage by clicking on the template among the available list and Select template to confirm your choice.

You will be redirected to the content editor where your page is displayed with your chosen template and demo texts.

All you have to do now is change the demo content as per your requirements. You can also add modules by drag and drop method from the modules available on the left hand side.

When you hover your mouse on the modules present in the page, you will find edit, delete and clone options. These will help you to modify your page further. 

When you click on the Edit module option in hover, various edit options will open up in the left hand panel. Use these to modify the present modules as per your liking. These edit options consist of content editing as well as styles. Here you can change your content, its text formatting, color, etc.

You can change other settings for your webpage with the help of the Settings tab and Optimize tab. These sections will help you with webpage settings like page title, meta description, seo optimization, etc.

Once you are satisfied with your changes, you can click on the Publish button present at the top right.